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This is arguably the most exciting and challenging time for humanity in the history of the earth.  We live in a day with many marvelous achievements and advancements.  There is more access to information and opportunity than ever before.  We can connect across the globe instantly and our potential for success and fulfillment is higher and deeper than ever.

These are also perilous times.  With all of the fast and easy access to just about anything and everything, humanity is often less deeply connected one to another or within one’s self than ever before.  There are more emotional and spiritual struggles today.  There are more people battling through a wide range of life issues.  

This website is for anyone who wants to discover their true identity and improve their life.  Being the Warrior is about gaining awareness of your divine potential, with ongoing mentoring.  We provide a safe haven to learn and share, as well as tools, reminders, and resources to be a courageous warrior for your own true heart, mind, and soul.  Being a warrior is a daily commitment and we invite you to consistently persist in getting better, stronger, happier, more at peace within yourself, and more equipped and open to serve others.

The author has spent years struggling, battling, and enduring through life.  Through failing over and over and never quitting, we continue to learn wisdom and make progress.  We have benefited with many years of therapy, counseling, coaching, support, and fervent prayer.  We battle alongside you!

Most people can agree perfectionism is unrealistic and unhealthy.  Being perfected is another matter.  Being perfected is an eternal possibility based on your willingness and your trust in a Higher Power to help you make progress today, repeatedly.

One day at a time, one step at a time, you are becoming a true warrior for the eternities.  Never give up.  Choose gratitude for your life and the beauty all around and in your life.  Put on your warrior armor, open your heart and mind, and let’s get to work.